About the artist


Connie Morgan is a native of Manhattan, MT where as a teenager, she went to a neon art show at the Museum of the Rockies and told herself that one day she would know how to make neon art.


After having a few trial runs at adulthood, it became apparent to Connie and her parents that she needed to find something to do with her life. Connie then remembered her desire to make neon.

She researched different schools around the country that taught the skills needed for perfecting the craft, and it came down to a tie between a school in Wisconsin and one in San Francisco . . .

Mark Twain once said, "the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

Connie decided on San Fran because, "the coldest winter I ever spent was a winter in Wisconsin."

Once done with school Connie moved to Detroit where she worked for three years making neon signs. She then moved onto Seattle, Tacoma, Bozeman and now Casper all the while working in the sign business. She's been working with neon for 24 years and now it's in her blood.